MPA News Northland will bring you news and information about marine protection and management around Northland. This is a community engagement project initiated by the Department of Conservation Conservancy marine team. Northland community based groups, hapu and Iwi and government agencies are welcome to contact us about participation in this project.

WWF Release Colmar Brunton Research on Marine Conservation

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago by Vince Kerr    2 comments

WWF commissioned Colmar Brunton to find out what New Zealanders today think about their oceans and marine protection.

The national opinion research, published in May 2011, asked New Zealanders a number of questions to assess the nation's views on their seas.  The key findings include:

  • More than nine in ten New Zealanders want to see more of their oceans protected in marine reserves 
  • On average New Zealanders estimate 31% of their oceans are currently protected in marine reserves 
  • On average New Zealanders think 36% of their oceans should be protected in marine reserves


Here two links to the just released WWF Colmar Brunton report on marine conservation in NZ. Vital reading on 'where we are in NZ'.

Also this interview was on breakfast TV this morning:
A must read for anyone interested in the future of the Ocean.



Experiencing Marine Reserves 10th Anniversary Charity Dinner

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago by Vince Kerr    2 comments

 Your contact for tickets is Samara Nicholas 09 433 8205 email


Seaweek Support Your Local Events

Posted 14 years ago by Vince Kerr    0 comments

Northland events

photo of Experiencing Reserves snorkellers by Roger Grace

Find out more about what's happening in Seaweek and win fantastic prizes by listening to MORE FM from 28 February - 4 March.

Pepi Patch Inc in association with Utea Park present the annual…

Saturday 26th February 2011

Fish: 5km radius of Hukatere, 7am-4pm, weigh in from 3–4pm

Design: A sand sculpture, 7am-2pm, judging at 2pm

Race: Up Utea Pa, 5pm

Prizes: $500 Heaviest Snapper, $200 Heaviest Kahawai, mystery prize  for Mystery Weight Snapper, $100 Best Sand Sculpture, $100 Fastest Runner

And loads more for all the family!

Registrations now available from: Rogers Motors (Kaitaia) or Utea Park Clubhouse, Hukatere Rd, Phone: (09) 9467998, Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Facebook: Utea Park

Download the flyer here.


Offering around Northland - promotion during Seaweek (26 Feb-6 March) for delivery to teachers after March 6.

Professional development and new teaching opportunity for teachers and schools interested in marine education.
New teaching resources and material based around the popular End of the Line movie released in NZ during Seaweek 2010.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Julie Holt direct.  Dates, times and locations will be confirmed.

Contact person: Julie Holt email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it phone: 09 4594949 or 027459091

Cost: To be advised/confirmed, depending on numbers and location.

Water Whisperers Tangaroa film screenings

Kerikeri Cathay Cinema
Wed 16th February 6.00pm

Read more about the film here.


Sunday 27 February 2011

Fancy a road trip? Come and explore the wonders of the marine reserve at Goat Island for Seaweek's Community Snorkel Day on February 27. Free guided snorkeling session for all the family!


Ngunguru School Watersports Day

Ngunguru School, Te Maika Rd, Ngunguru, Tutukaka Coast

4 March 2011
During school hours

The hugely popular annual summer (Seaweek!) watersports day for Ngunguru school students and their families.

A wide range of activities are on offer, including water safety and education.
The school is in an idyllic location on the edge of the landmark Ngunguru estuary. Contact the school office for information.

Contact: Ngunguru School office 09 4343805

Whangarei  Primary Schools Seaweek

Thursday 3 March 2011, 8.45am - 2pm

One Tree Point School, Whangarei

One full day of fun with events, challenges, activities and workshops for children from 16 schools throughout the Whangarei District.

Numbers limited and booking is required. Children need to bring a packed lunch, sun hat etc.

Cost: Free

Admission by prior arrangement only.  Casual visitors cannot be accommodated.

Contact person: Pippa Lawlor 09 438 9630 email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


'Our Oceans in focus: A photographic insight into the marine world’ with Dr Roger Grace

Monday 28 February 2011, 6.00pm

Copthorne Hotel, Waitangi


Thursday 3 March 2011, 6.30pm

Northern Wairoa Boating Club, Totara Street, Dargaville

Dr Roger Grace is a well-known marine biologist and professional photographer, and has been an active campaigner for marine conservation, both in New Zealand and internationally.  He has played a role in many of New Zealand's marine reserve campaigns and is a frequent contributor of articles on marine conservation to popular marine magazines.
Dr Grace is currently involved as a supporter and biologist for the Great Barrier, Tiritiri and Mimiwhangata marine conservation projects. One of his most recent missions was working as a photographer on the Greenpeace vessel 'Rainbow Warrior'.
Roger is also a Trustee of the Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust, the organisation that created Marine NZ. Roger received the Queen's Service Medal for public service in 2005.

Come and join Dr Grace as he takes you on a photographic journey of his adventures over the past 20 years.

Cost: Free

Contact person: Karen Joyce-Paki This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


16th March 2011, 7.30pm – 9pm

Oceans Resort Tutukaka

A once in a lifetime opportunity to view images by international Greenpeace marine photographer and renowned marine biologist, Dr Roger Grace.  The show includes photographs and insights from major international campaigns including Antarctica, set-netting, and a selection of ‘weird and wonderful’ marine life, gathered over a 20 year span.

Cost: Free

The bar and restaurant at Oceans Resort will be open.


17th March 2011, 12pm – 12.45pm

Old Library Building, Rust Avenue, Whangarei.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to view images by international Greenpeace marine photographer and renowned marine biologist, Dr Roger Grace.  The show includes photographs and insights from major international campaigns including Antarctica, set-netting, and a selection of ‘weird and wonderful’ marine life, gathered over a 20 year span.

Cost: Free, bring your lunch

Contact person: Amy Macdonald email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



NZAEE Seaweek will feature  as part of Children's Day in Northland

March 6th 2011

Free bags and Seaweek goodies for all participants!
Contact: Liz Inch at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 09 9839119 for more information.



Our Oceans in Focus – a photographic insight into the marine world of Greenpeace activist Dr Roger Grace.


KAITAIA - 10th March 2011, 10am - 3pm

Toka Tumoana Building, Matthews Ave Kaitaia (opposite RD1).

A once in a lifetime opportunity to view a sample of marine images from Dr Grace’s 20 year career photographing high profile international marine campaigns  including anti-whaling and Antarctica.
“Visually stunning & thought-provoking images.”

Bonus feature.  A rare chance to see historical Far North marine images from local photographic archivist Don Hammond’s private collection and the Kaitaia Museum.

Cost: Gold coin donation towards Far North Whale Rescue.

At 6.30pm the exhibition will be followed by an evening show of images and personal insights by Dr Grace.

There will also be a presentation by the Takutaimoana Komiti on the current rahui at Tauroa Point.

Free prize draw courtesy of Far North Environment Centre and ITM Mangonui.

Contact person: Carolyn Smith 09 408 6190 email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

HOUHORA - 11th March

Houhora Gamefish club (bar and restaurant open).

The Exhibition will be open from 6.30 - 8pm.

Cost: Gold coin donation towards Far North Whale Rescue.

At 8pm the exhibition will be followed by an evening show of images and personal insights by Dr Grace.

Free prize draw courtesy of Far North Environment Centre and ITM Mangonui.


WHANGAROA - 12 March, 8-9pm

Whangaroa Gamefish Club

Cost: Gold coin donation towards Far North Whale Rescue.

Free prize draw courtesy of Far North Environment Centre and ITM Mangonui.

Restaurant and bar will be open.

Free Community Guided Snorkel Day at Reotahi to celebrate Seaweek

Sunday 12 March 2011, 10am - 3pm

Presented by Experiencing Marine Reserves
Supported by Department of Conservation

Experience the wonders of the Whangarei Harbour Marine Reserve.
Guided snorkels at the Whangarei Harbour marine reserve site at Reotahi, Reotahi Beach. Learn more about our marine reserve! You never know what you might spot…seahorse, pipefish, sponges, spotties, triplefins, nudibranch’s, eagle ray…

Just turn up and register on the day. Weather permitting – for cancellations go to . Bring your own gear or get free hire for our masks, snorkels, fins and wetsuits. Recommended for everyone 5 years old plus. All children under 15 years must be accompanied by an adult observer. Bring sun block, togs, towel, picnic lunch and a drink. Experienced guides and advanced safety procedures will be in place on the day. Fun for the whole family!

Its FREE, but your donation is welcome!

Location: Reotahi Beach, Whangarei Heads, Whangarei, Northland

Directions: Reotahi Beach, after McLeods Bay follow Reotahi Rd, then Beach Rd to end to Reotahi carpark, opposite Motukaroro Island and Marsden Pt.

Contact person: Kim Jones
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it phone (09) 434 0779 mobile: 027 243 4818



Auckland University Underwater Club 50th Anniversary

Saturday 26th March 2011

Bay of Islands

Diving and dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the club. Bookings essential.

Contact person: Sam Wilson This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

More information at:

SeaWeek - Coming Soon - Our oceans in focus in Northland

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago by Vince Kerr    0 comments

PRESS RELEASE                           14 February 2011

 Our oceans in focus in Northland

 A stunning new visual roadshow of the underwater world launches in Northland during NZAEE Seaweek 2011.

 Internationally renown marine photographer and biologist Dr Roger Grace will tour the region during Seaweek, using his experiences during two decades with Greenpeace to highlight life below the sea.

 The roadshow will also feature images from Dr Grace’s work in Northland, providing a local context for the presentations and discussion, says regional co-ordinator Sioux Campbell.

 “The idea came from the excellent response we had here from The End of the Line movie, which was launched in New Zealand in Seaweek last year.  People were very keen to hear more about what was happening locally and we thought it was a fantastic opportunity to showcase someone like Roger, who has both worldwide and local experiences.”

 A new teacher development workshop based on The End of the Line will also be launched during Seaweek by Whangarei education advisor, Julie Holt.  The education for sustainability workshop is being offered to all schools with an interest in marine education and is a first for New Zealand.

 “Julie is picking up on some excellent generic enquiry learning frameworks and applying these to local situations.  A growing number of Northland schools is actively involved in marine conservation and there are always requests for more professional development for teachers in this area,” Mrs Campbell says.

 A range of other exciting activities throughout the region is offered during Seaweek, including community guided snorkel days at the Whangarei and Goat Island marine reserves, sand sculptures, screenings of Water Whisperers Tangaroa, diving and a primary schools action participation event at One Tree Point School.

For full details visit

 Seaweek is hosted by the NZ Association for Environmental Education.  Its national sponsors in 2011 are the ASB Community Trust, Ministry of Fisheries, Department of Conservation, Greenpeace and the NZ Marine Studies Centre.

Seaweek 2011.  Feb 26-6 March  – The culture, history and traditions of the sea.  Back to the future!  Kia kaha tangata moana.


 For more information contact Sioux Campbell, 094703355 or 0274768414


Snorkelers in the Experiencing Marine Reserves Programme

Integrated Coastal Management News

Posted 14 years, 3 months ago by Vince Kerr    2 comments

Editor's note - this is a valuable summary of international work on integrated marine management that I think is worthwhile to pass on to you. Note the article about the tutukaka and Great Barrier Island coasts.


Extracts from the ACZISC Coastal newsletter November 2010 Part 1 of 2

For the full newsletter and previous editions see:

The Atlantic Coastal Zone Information Steering Committee (ACZISC) was established in January 1992 to foster cooperation in Atlantic Canada with regards to Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management (ICOM), coastal mapping and geomatics.

 The ACZISC is actively:

 The 7th annual survey by National Geographic's Traveler Magazine rated 99 coastal destinations worldwide (including the top-rated Tutukaka and Great Barrier Island coasts):

 ECOSYSTEM-BASED ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE: The IUCN publication entitled "Building resilience to climate change: ecosystem-based adaptation and lessons from the field" contains eleven case studies covering different ecosystems and regions around the world. Its aim is to summarize some current applications of the Ecosystem-based Adaptation concept and its tools used around the world, and also to draw lessons from experiences in conservation adaptation -

 MARINE BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT AND OUTLOOK: The UN Environment Programme "Marine Biodiversity Assessment and Outlook Reports" provide a systematic overview at a sub-global scale of the state of knowledge of marine biodiversity, the pressures it currently faces and the management frameworks in place for addressing those pressures. A Synthesis of the reports is available at

 OCEANS DAY was held on 23 October during the Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 18-29 October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan. Oceans Day addressed the status and trends in biodiversity loss and progress made in achieving biodiversity targets, examined various tools and approaches to conserving and sustainably utilizing marine and coastal biodiversity, and discussed potential next steps in advancing the global oceans agenda -

 ICZM PARTICIPATION PRACTICES IN EUROPE: OURCOAST is a three-year project commissioned by the European Commission to support the exchange of experiences and best practices in coastal planning and management. OURCOAST produced its first brochure on Participation practices in Europe. The brochure describes mechanisms of participation, and provides a selection of case studies and practical examples of how participation can be put into practice -

 MARINE RESERVES: The October 26 Issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Volume 107, Issue 43) includes a Marine Reserves Special Feature (free online). This Special Feature documents recent advances in marine reserve research, and provides insights gained from studies of reserve networks, long-term changes within reserves, integration of social and ecological science research, and balance between reserve design for conservation as well as fishery and other commercial objectives -

 CLIMATE CHANGE AND CORAL REEFS: The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have released a report entitled "Climate, Carbon and Coral Reefs". The report outlines the threat to coral reefs caused by climate change and subsequent coral bleaching, as well as by ocean acidification -

 The UK's Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) Annual Report Card provides updates on how climate change is affecting its seas. New topics in the 2010-2011 edition include air-sea carbon exchanges, deep sea habitats, waterbirds and human health, along with a UK regional seas impact map -

 The Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET) fall 2010 progress reports for active projects, and final reports for completed projects, are available at


  • 18 November is the deadline for submitting abstracts to the "34th IAHR World Congress", 26 June to 1 July 2011, Brisbane, Australia -
  • 22 November is the deadline for submissions by youth on their vision for the oceans over the next 20 years. The "Oceans 2030: Youth Outlook Contest" is part of the National Council for Science and the Environment Conference (19-21 January 2011, Washington, DC) -
  • 30 November is the deadline to submit case studies on integrated marine and coastal area management (IMCAM) for inclusion in a database being complied by the Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat -
  • 15 January is the deadline for submitting abstracts to the "2nd International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management", 3-7  July 2011, Arendal, Norway -
  • 31 January is the deadline for submitting abstracts to "People in Places: Engaging Together in Integrated Resource Management", 26-29 June 2011, Halifax, Nova Scotia -
  • 5 February is the deadline for submitting abstracts to the "5th EARSeL (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories) Workshop on Remote Sensing of the Coastal Zone", 1-3 June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic -

 Extracts from the ACZISC Coastal newsletter November 2010 Part 2 of 2

For the full newsletter and previous editions see:

 General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO): this updated version aims to provide the most authoritative, publicly-available bathymetry data sets for the world's oceans. The GEBCO_08 Grid is a continuous terrain model for ocean and land. The latest release of the grid (version 20100927) is available at

 NOAA's Coastal Services Center has released "Local Strategies for Addressing Climate Change: Volume Two". This special edition of the Coastal Services magazine focuses on the activities of coastal resource managers in the US that directly and indirectly address the impacts of climate change -

 Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) is a core project of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change. The current issue of the LOICZ INPRINT newsletter is available at

 MPA News features international news and analysis on Marine Protected Areas. The November-December 2010 issue focuses on the extension of the target set in 2005 for 10% global MPA coverage -

 Nova Scotia has introduced legislation, extending indefinitely, a moratorium on oil and gas exploration on the Canadian portion of George's Bank, a sensitive marine ecosystem off the south coast of the Province -

 Environment Canada, in collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency, is developing a project entitled "The National SAR Wind Project for High Resolution Marine Wind". The project utilizes SAR satellite space-based monitoring for improving wind analysis and short-range prediction over large marine areas, and especially in the coastal zones -

 The "2010 Atlantic Reclamation Conference" was held on 27-29 October 2010 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Topics included Marine and Coastal Protection Planning and Reclamation. The presentations are available at

 The November 2010 issue of the Island Studies Journal includes an article on "Mariculture and Marine Spatial Planning: Integrating Local Ecological Knowledge at Kaledupa Island, Indonesia" -

 Marxan is free software designed to provide decision support for conservation planning, including the design of reserve systems. To download Marxan and related information, including an update of the Marxan Good Practices Handbook, access

 The World Bank has announced a new global partnership that will give developing countries the tools they need to integrate the economic benefits that ecosystems such as forests, wetlands and coral reefs provide, into national accounting systems -,,contentMDK:22746592~pagePK:34370~piPK:34424~theSitePK:4607,00.html


  • 25 February is the deadline for submitting abstracts to the "Coasts and Ports 2011 Conference", 28-30 September 2011, Perth, Western Australia -
  • 31 March is the deadline for submissions to Volume 26 of the Ocean Yearbook. Topics include governance, environment and coastal management, living and non-living resources, transportation and communications, maritime security, etc. -
  • 29 November - 1 December 2010: "9th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures", Tehran, Iran -
  • 8-10 January 2011: "3rd International Conference on Water and Flood Management", Dhaka, Bangladesh -
  • 7-10 February 2011: "6th International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments", Louisiana, New Orleans -
  • 9-11 February 2011: "National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology", Jacksonville, Florida -
  • COASTGIS 2011, the 10th International Symposium on GIS and Computer Cartography for Coastal Zone Management, is scheduled for 5-8 September 2011 in Oostende Belgium. The main theme of CoastGIS 2011 is "Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning". 1 April 2011 is the deadline for abstracts and workshop proposals -

Seaweek - Time to Get Organised

Posted 14 years, 4 months ago by Vince Kerr    0 comments

Seaweek 2011 is coming up fast!  Hosted by the NZ Association for Environmental Education, Seaweek is New Zealand's only annual, national celebration of the sea.  Dates for next year are 26 February-6 March and the theme is Back to the Future - the culture, history and traditions of the sea.  More general information is available at (site updates in development).
During Seaweek groups, organisations and individuals host events and activities relating to their interests and ideally to the theme for the year.  These can be held at a local, regional or even national level - it's over to you.   What you do is also totally up to you - it could be a competition or new product/resource launch, a movie, free day at your site, discounted trips, snorkel day, swim, guided walk - you can check out all the events that were run in 2010 for ideas.  There is support with promotion and publicity through the Seaweek marketing effort and other resources may also be available. 
Northland is a fantastic region to celebrate Seaweek in!  This is a great opportunity for people to showcase what they do and care about during the best of the summer.
Please pass this message on to your networks and friends.
For information contact your Northland Seaweek co-ordinators:  Sioux Campbell ( / and Samara Nicholas ( Ph 09 433 8205

Kaimatanga Hapori-Hononga/Senior Community Relations Officer, Conservation Awareness, Tai Tokerau.
09 4703355/DDI 7255/0274768414
Days of work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Become part of our campaigns to: Reduce wild fires, enhance our marine environment and save kiwi from dogs.  Check out or contact your nearest Northland DOC office

Northland Links

I (vince) am developing a Northland Marine Protection Newsletter and blog to help with the information flow. If you are not subscribed please do. It is painless. If you want to post news to this system (circulation 300 + and growing) email me. If you know people you would like to invite to signup to this newsletter, please send them the following link. <>

What’s happening in Northland?
<>     DOC web pages on Northland marine work
<>     Marine info portal for NZ, Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust
<>     Home of the Experiencing Marine Reserves Program
<>     Home of the Doubtless Bay Marine Protection Group
<>     Home of Bay of Islands Maritime Park Inc.
<>     Northland Marine Library
<>     Home of the Integrated Kaipara Harbour Management Group (IKHMG) - an initiative developed by Te Uri o Hau and its stakeholders to assist in managing the Kaipara Harbour.
<>     The Far North Environment Centre
<> <> see some contrasting fisher’s views on the Tutukaka Coast Marine Park proposal

Update on Whangarei Coast National Marine Park Project

Posted 14 years, 7 months ago by Vince Kerr    3 comments


 In future news updates we will attempt to keep you informed with what is happening with marine protection groups in Northland. Here’s a first, more to come.

 Marine park proposal worth $22m, say backers seeking endorsement

 This is a news story by Peter de Graaf, Northern Advocate 26th July 2010

If you want to see a pdf of the presentation that the Tutukaka based group is putting on a various venues you can down load it from the www.marinenz at the following link:


“A marine park covering much of the Whangarei District's coast could generate $22 million a year for Northland, the proposal's backers say.

 The park would see commercial fishing banned in an 1800sq km triangle between Whangarei Heads, Cape Brett and the Poor Knights Islands.

Recreational fishing would still be allowed, albeit with reduced bag limits, except in a few protected areas.

 The Marine National Park proposal has been around at least since 2005. It has won the backing of environmental groups and the Northland Chamber of Commerce, but is strongly opposed by commercial fishers.

 Now two of its backers, Dive Tutukaka owner Jeroen Jongejans and Tutukaka investor John Dentice, are hoping to bring the region's environmental watchdog, the Northland Regional Council, on board.

 In a presentation to councillors last week the pair said axing commercial fishing in the 1800sq km area would cost the region $250,000 in lost income. However, that would be easily outweighed by $22 million in economic benefits through tourism and recreational fishing.

 The benefit to Tutukaka alone would be around $7 million. Currently tourism in Tutukaka, including Mr Jongejans' own dive business, employs more than 60 people, while commercial fishing employs four. In all of Northland tourism employed one in every 10 workers, whereas commercial fishing employed 290 in total.

 Mr Jongejans said they were not pushing for a marine reserve or a marine protected area, but for a marine national park which catered for recreational fishing and customary rights. The aim was to increase fish stocks and enhance habitats, as well as to boost economic returns for the region.

 They suggested cutting daily bag limits for fish and shellfish by half inside the park.

Asked by councillors what he wanted from them, Mr Jongejans said: "We'd love to have your endorsement. From a tourism point of view, and an economic point of view, it's a no-brainer," he added.

 Cr Craig Brown asked whether the proposed bag limit was negotiable, and why they wanted a marine park at Tutukaka and not, for example, in the Kaipara where most of Northland's snapper were spawned. "Some people would say it's because you're not running a business in the Kaipara," Mr Brown said.

 Chairman Mark Farnsworth said council staff would put an item on the agenda for next month's meeting so councillors could decide whether they wanted to endorse the marine park plan.”

 If you know people you would like to invite to signup to this newsletter, please send them the following link. You can also unsubscribe at this link.



editor.  V. Kerr


A New Source of Marine Information for Northland

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago by Vince Kerr    0 comments


Welcome to our Northland Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Newsletter

This Newsletter and blog service aims to provide an easy to use format of regular contact with you about what is happening in marine protection and management in Northland.

You have previously been on one of our marine information contact lists. We are currently updating this list to assure we have correct contact details. We have created an electronic database/newsletter system which can send you news updates via email as well as post on a web blog site. At any time you can easily opt out of the newsletter system. Your subscriber information will remain secure and will not be shared with third parties.

The MPA Northland Newsletter will inform you of new information publications, research, monitoring reports and news about marine protection proposals and processes here in Northland. We are aiming to put out a number of information updates throughout the year.

Marine Conservation Work in Northland

Communities around Northland are interested in marine protection. Current projects underway with iwi/hapu and community based groups are expanding their activity and capacity all the time. This community based approach to marine management shows great promise as a way to address issues standing in the way of effective management and conservation. Department staff will be actively supporting local initiatives around marine protection in the coming year. If you want to know more about what is happening in your local area you can contact your local DOC Area office or Vince Kerr or Paul Buisson at the Conservancy office in Whangarei.

Our technical team in the Conservancy office have just released some significant reports and resources which we would like to share with you here.

Northland MPA Info Project

A marine habitat map has been completed for the area of coast out to the 12mile boundary from Mangawhai to Ahipara (version 1). The map book, the technical report and a poster are now available online from the DOC website.

 Over the coming months GIS mapping resources created by this project will be handed over and presented to interested community groups, iwi and hapu. In the next stages of this project information layers will be developed that focus on the values of our marine environment and how we currently use the marine environment. This information should be valuable to any group in Northland looking at marine protection and management.

 Marine Reserve and Reef Fish Monitoring

Our reef fish monitoring program was extended to Cape Karikari and North Cape last summer (2009) building on the existing long term data sets at Poor Knights Islands, Mimiwhangata and Cape Brett. This information is one of the best ways to we have of observing the changes that are occurring to our shallow reefs due to heavy local fishing pressure. This concern for our fished shallow reef systems is in stark contrast to the restoration of fish stocks that we are observing in our marine reserves. The latest report can be downloaded from the DOC web site.

That’s a brief look at some of the marine work our DOC team are involved in. We look forward to working with you to protect and restore our precious Northland marine environment.

Please feel free to contact us about this newsletter.  

If you know people you would like to invite to signup to this newsletter, please send them the following link. You can also unsubscribe at this link.


Vince Kerr  (newsletter editor) Phone: 09 470 3346

Northland Conservancy Department of Conservation




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