SeaWeek - Coming Soon - Our oceans in focus in Northland

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago by Vince Kerr    0 comments

PRESS RELEASE                           14 February 2011

 Our oceans in focus in Northland

 A stunning new visual roadshow of the underwater world launches in Northland during NZAEE Seaweek 2011.

 Internationally renown marine photographer and biologist Dr Roger Grace will tour the region during Seaweek, using his experiences during two decades with Greenpeace to highlight life below the sea.

 The roadshow will also feature images from Dr Grace’s work in Northland, providing a local context for the presentations and discussion, says regional co-ordinator Sioux Campbell.

 “The idea came from the excellent response we had here from The End of the Line movie, which was launched in New Zealand in Seaweek last year.  People were very keen to hear more about what was happening locally and we thought it was a fantastic opportunity to showcase someone like Roger, who has both worldwide and local experiences.”

 A new teacher development workshop based on The End of the Line will also be launched during Seaweek by Whangarei education advisor, Julie Holt.  The education for sustainability workshop is being offered to all schools with an interest in marine education and is a first for New Zealand.

 “Julie is picking up on some excellent generic enquiry learning frameworks and applying these to local situations.  A growing number of Northland schools is actively involved in marine conservation and there are always requests for more professional development for teachers in this area,” Mrs Campbell says.

 A range of other exciting activities throughout the region is offered during Seaweek, including community guided snorkel days at the Whangarei and Goat Island marine reserves, sand sculptures, screenings of Water Whisperers Tangaroa, diving and a primary schools action participation event at One Tree Point School.

For full details visit

 Seaweek is hosted by the NZ Association for Environmental Education.  Its national sponsors in 2011 are the ASB Community Trust, Ministry of Fisheries, Department of Conservation, Greenpeace and the NZ Marine Studies Centre.

Seaweek 2011.  Feb 26-6 March  – The culture, history and traditions of the sea.  Back to the future!  Kia kaha tangata moana.


 For more information contact Sioux Campbell, 094703355 or 0274768414


Snorkelers in the Experiencing Marine Reserves Programme

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