Seaweek - Time to Get Organised

Posted 14 years, 4 months ago by Vince Kerr    0 comments

Seaweek 2011 is coming up fast!  Hosted by the NZ Association for Environmental Education, Seaweek is New Zealand's only annual, national celebration of the sea.  Dates for next year are 26 February-6 March and the theme is Back to the Future - the culture, history and traditions of the sea.  More general information is available at (site updates in development).
During Seaweek groups, organisations and individuals host events and activities relating to their interests and ideally to the theme for the year.  These can be held at a local, regional or even national level - it's over to you.   What you do is also totally up to you - it could be a competition or new product/resource launch, a movie, free day at your site, discounted trips, snorkel day, swim, guided walk - you can check out all the events that were run in 2010 for ideas.  There is support with promotion and publicity through the Seaweek marketing effort and other resources may also be available. 
Northland is a fantastic region to celebrate Seaweek in!  This is a great opportunity for people to showcase what they do and care about during the best of the summer.
Please pass this message on to your networks and friends.
For information contact your Northland Seaweek co-ordinators:  Sioux Campbell ( / and Samara Nicholas ( Ph 09 433 8205

Kaimatanga Hapori-Hononga/Senior Community Relations Officer, Conservation Awareness, Tai Tokerau.
09 4703355/DDI 7255/0274768414
Days of work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Become part of our campaigns to: Reduce wild fires, enhance our marine environment and save kiwi from dogs.  Check out or contact your nearest Northland DOC office

Northland Links

I (vince) am developing a Northland Marine Protection Newsletter and blog to help with the information flow. If you are not subscribed please do. It is painless. If you want to post news to this system (circulation 300 + and growing) email me. If you know people you would like to invite to signup to this newsletter, please send them the following link. <>

What’s happening in Northland?
<>     DOC web pages on Northland marine work
<>     Marine info portal for NZ, Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust
<>     Home of the Experiencing Marine Reserves Program
<>     Home of the Doubtless Bay Marine Protection Group
<>     Home of Bay of Islands Maritime Park Inc.
<>     Northland Marine Library
<>     Home of the Integrated Kaipara Harbour Management Group (IKHMG) - an initiative developed by Te Uri o Hau and its stakeholders to assist in managing the Kaipara Harbour.
<>     The Far North Environment Centre
<> <> see some contrasting fisher’s views on the Tutukaka Coast Marine Park proposal

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